A couple months ago I gave a talk at WordCamp San Francisco, attempting to put WordPress in historical perspective. Those who know the subject know that WordPress’s adoption of the relatively strict GPL free-software licensing is central to its story. (This is the background to the recent dustup between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and the creator of the popular Thesis theme over the licensing of that theme.) Ironically, my talk was directly opposite one being given by free-software godfather Richard Stallman, the “Father of the GPL.” It was great so many people still chose to listen to me!
This is a variation on the talks I’ve been giving about Say Everything, with some additional material on WordPress, and some thoughts about the value of blogging to our collective history: “Blogging is like auto-save for our entire culture.”
[This video lives over here at WordPress.tv. Thanks to everyone at WordCamp for having me!]
Post Revisions:
- August 1, 2010 @ 10:42:23 [Current Revision] by Scott Rosenberg
- July 29, 2010 @ 11:21:23 by Scott Rosenberg
- July 29, 2010 @ 11:19:32 by Scott Rosenberg