It’s been fantastic keeping track of the reviews and critiques of Dreaming in Code in the blogosphere for a whole year. I’ve diligently stored them by a Delicious tag, and fed them via that mechanism into a widget on the book Web site’s front page. Today there’s 275 URLs in that list.
To get the word out about the paperback release, I’ve gotten my publisher to donate some copies for me to hand out, here, free, to anyone with a blog who wants to read it. All I ask is that you post something about the book — positive, negative, indifferent, that’s up to you. Go ahead, tell me you think it sucks! Just write about why.
Yeah, one goal here is to promote the book. But I also wish to bow in the general blogospheric direction. I owe ye, bloggers, big time!
So: want a copy? Just drop me email at scottr /at/ this blog’s domain (or use the form, Luke). Send me your blog’s URL and your snailmail address so I can send you a book. I’ve got a bunch here. First come, first served, till they run out.
UPDATE: Sorry, the books are all gone…
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