Within a couple of days I’ll have the next Code Reads installment ready. When I started this series I didn’t want to be rigid about following a pre-chosen list but rather to try to stay flexible — dare I say agile? — and also respond to suggestions. The result has been a longer sojourn in the thickets of somewhat long-in-the-tooth computer-science papers than I initially planned. All worth some attention, to be sure — but my hope is to provide a set of readings and discussions that touches on practice as thoroughly as on theory.
So we’re going to move in that direction for a while. Next up is Mitch Kapor’s Software Design Manifesto.
Also, that book giveaway I mentioned a while back — of five copies of Joel Spolsky’s Best Software Writing — is finally underway. Here’s how I’m doing it: (a) assemble list of people whose comments have substantively contributed to the discussions — and the contributions have almost all been thoughtful, so this means nearly all the people who’ve posted comments; (b) select names randomly from that list. If I have an email address for the lucky winners I will contact them; otherwise I’ll post the name here and ask you to email me. I’m giving away a book a week from now until they run out.
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