Here are some things that have happened lately that are good:
Reissues of two previously unavailable early Mountain Goats albums, Zopilote Machine and Nothing For Juice, are now available. These are great if you are already tuned in to John Darnielle’s taut no-fi frequency; if not, last year’s We Shall All Be Healed remains the best intro. (Though if you go download “Sinaloan Milk Snake Song” you just might end up disagreeing with me and thinking that those older albums make a plenty fine intro, too.) A new album, The Sunset Tree, looms next month as well.
JD Lasica and Marc Canter, working with the Internet Archive, have opened the doors on their Ourmedia project — free hosting for video and audio files. I’m looking forward to playing with it.
Google Maps is here, and doesn’t seem to be going away, and it’s just really good. And you know, what’s good about it isn’t exactly the same as what’s cool about it. I mean, it’s fun to use the “Ajax”-powered thingies and slide the map around by grabbing it. But what makes it where I go now when I need to find something is that it’s much easier to read than the older services — which I assume will now frantically scramble to catch up. (It also claims not to work in my Opera browser, but in fact works just fine — though the scrolling is smoother in Firefox.)
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