I’ve been sick all week with a miserable cold — no fun, but hey, it does wonders for catching up with RSS backlog.
## GQ is not normally where I turn for quality reporting on the Valley, but look — they got John Heilemann to write about Google, and, well, it’s a great read. [via John Battelle]
## In a recent Wired piece pegged off his new book, Daniel Pink explains why I no longer need feel guilty about dropping math in high school before calculus kicked in.
## Evolution and cooperation? How’d that happen? Some big questions briefly plumbed in American Scientist. [via Arts & Letters]
## This is the way the world ends: Or maybe not. Dozens of theories and ideas inspected. Good fodder for the next time my five-year-old son asks, “Could the earth ever explode?” — which will be soon. [via MeFi]
## Hypercard reverie: a tour through late ’80s monochrome multimedia. With more chapters here. [via Boingboing]
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