Prehistory and Miscellany
Claws and Effects (August 8, 1993)
How special effects are transforming movie-making in the year of Jurassic Park. How long will it be till computer animators achieve their holy grail: realistic, full-body human modeling? A report from SIGGRAPH 1993.
Multimedia Forest, CD-ROM Trees (April 2, 1993)
An industry struggles to find an identity, while creative shoots grow between the technological cracks. A report from the 1993 Intermedia conference.
A Virtual Reality Check (April 19, 1992)
What is virtual reality and what will it be? An extended inquiry, with five comic interludes.
The Videogame Plumber as Existential Hero (September 1, 1991)
A profile of Mario, Nintendo's nimble Nietzschean Everyman.
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